You may be a multi millionaire rolling in money or you may be a CEO yielding enormous powers. However no amount of money, power of fame can give you happiness if your health is bad. The lagna or ascendant, the 6th house and the 8th house give clues regarding ones health and diseases.
The health report will tell you about your general health in life and any major health problems and the suggested remedies for ailments and diseases.
The health of a person is certainly a valuable asset. For better living and progress in life it is necessary to avail good health. In order to take vital decisions and meet all the challenges in life it is necessary to have a balanced mind that can think rationally. With this unique service you can avail a detailed report on all the unfavorable events that will take place in your life including accidents, diseases, illness and allergies, etc and possible surgical treatment and recovery phase in them for the period of next 2 years. Here, you can resolve all the queries related to your fitness after logically correlating astrology and health. With respect to the health astrology, Sun is the governing body for the health in males and moon is the central body of health in females. Your future health state will be decided on the basis of astrology for health by estimating the position of Sun and the moon along of the condition of planets Mars and Saturn.
This service will be extremely helpful to resolve major questions related to medical astrology like:
- What will be my health status for the next 2 years?
- Will the concerned disease remain operable or inoperable?
- Which to choose for treatment- homeopathic medicine or allopathic medicine?
- Will surgery becomes mandatory in the next 2 years?
- How the phase of recovery would take place?
- Will my health remains prone to accidents in these 2 years?
All the reports related to your health and diseases prediction will be prepared by our renowned astrologers and it will be precisely according to the details provided by you on health horoscope. The report will be extremely useful in suggesting the remedial measures as well. Place a simple order and get benefited now!
Important note about this service (Please read carefully)
- All reports are prepared by the Astrologer Of ‘Aryadi Vedic Astrology Services’.
- This report requires your precise ‘Birth Time’. If you are unaware of the same then kindly avail the ‘Birth Time Determination’ service.
- This report will be sent by ‘E-Mail’ that may take up to 10 days in some cases.
- This is not an instant downloadable report.
- Non-credit card payments are possible through ‘Telegraphic Bank Transfer’ or ‘Western Union Money Transfer’.
- Indian residents can pay by local cheque/DD drawn in favor of: ‘Aryadi Vedic Astrology Services’